
Monday, December 13, 2010


I can honestly say I had not heard of geocaching. It is a concept that had not reached me or any of my close friends or colleagues. However it certainly looks like it has taken off in a big way across the world and it was interesting to look at geocaches located close to me. We have GPS on our mobile phone but we have not needed to use it yet as I find it just as easy to follow a road directory and it is a skill that is good for your brain.

I think if we were to use geocaching in our library the best ideas would probably involve a treasure hunt that educates or promotes services. Some of the examples given were innovative. It could be a way of attracting current non users especially teenage boys. The combination of using technology and a 'treasure hunt' would I imagine be quite a drawcard.


  1. I'm impressed that you can follow a road map, amazing! I can't

  2. I had never heard of geocahing either, but it sounds interesting:)

  3. i think promoting the services with geocaching will attract more members to our library!
